Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tips for Pastors and Missionaries about Deputation

Tips for Pastors and Missionaries about Deputation

Dear Friends,

Please take the time to read and consider these points about the deputation process. I'm afraid that many of our Independent Baptist Missionaries and Churches are woefully ineffective in the process of deputation due to our ignorance.

Below are some guidelines from my friend Pastor TL Jones of the Appalachian Baptist Church in Greeneville, TN. He has much experience in the matter of missions and deputation.

May God help us to be effective in reaching the world for Him!

Your Friend,

Spencer Smith

How Pastors Can Bless Missionaries on Deputation

1. Respond to their phone calls. Even if you're not going to have them in, they need to know.

2. If you book them don't cancel them at the last minute. That's rude.

3. Be upfront about your intentions. If they have no shot at support just say so. Let them schedule a church that may help them.

4. Provide them with clean private accommodations like a nice motel or empty home. Putting them with families in your church never allows them to really relax. 

5. Let the missionaries preach instead of having a well known preacher do all the preaching during a conference. It's their best opportunity to convey their vision and passion.

6. Treat their wives and children extremely well. Those children will never forget how their treated on deputation. Let's give them good memories. We like to give the kids their own personal offering.

7. Don't bog them down with chores while their with you. If the missionary is working deputation properly he should be on the phone not painting your attic.

8. Don't overwhelm them with ridiculous questionnaires. Ask the important things about doctrine and methodology but please don't ask if a man's wife wears pajamas to bed - that's stupid. 

9. Check for vehicle needs like oil changes, tire conditions, etc. We want them safe onthe road when they leave us for the next church. 

10. Give them a generous love offering. A full Sunday ought to be no less than $300. A full week - you do the math. That man has got to care for his family and serving your church is worthy labor.

Bonus tip: How would you want your son and daughter treated if God called them to missions?

10 Tips for Those Beginning Deputation

1. Pick your sending church wisely. An incompetent sending church is hard to overcome. It's your sending churches responsibility to assist you in every step.

2. Build you an extensive contact list and keep growing it all through deputation. Your pastor should help you with this. 

3. Set a target date that you plan to be on the field no later than two years upon starting deputation. 

4. Set a mailing, calling and call back schedule. As an example mail 50 packets of info every Thursday. Call those pastors on Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week. On the next Thursday send 50 more packets out and recall any pastor you didn't get in touch with Tuesday and Wednesday. Don't call any Pastors on Monday or Friday-Sunday. 

5. Work deputation like a full time job. Don't fall in love with traveling and presenting. Get your support and get gone. 

6. Do not under any circumstances argue with a pastor about differences. If he he supports you fine. If not then get on to the next church. 

7. Make friends with the church secretary. She's been trained to screen calls. If she likes you you're probably getting through to the pastor. 

8. Have fun with your family on the road. You're a Husband and a Dad first. If a church mistreats your family leave it. 

9. When you're allowed to preach stay on target - missions. Preach on soulwinning and missions. Preach on soulwinning and missions. If you don't at my church you will NOT get support. 

10. Communicate well with your sending church, missions agency if applicable, and supporting churches through the process.

Bonus tip: Use good hygiene.

You can follow Pastor TL Jones on Facebook by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/tl.jones.754

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