Sunday, December 1, 2024

Disqualified Preachers


Unfortunately, there are some men in the Baptist world who have adopted a philosophy of ministry where they believe that ministry men who have sinned greatly, can and should be restored back into ministry. This philosophy is sin, heresy, and is unbiblical. Men can disqualify themselves from ministry, and they should never stand in a pulpit again. Here are some texts that they use to justify their philosophy, and why they are wrong:

1. "The Gifts and Calling of God are Without Repentance." (Romans 11:29) This verse is so laughable out of context that it proves these men to be biblically ignorant. That verse is about the national election of the nation of Israel, not a man who cheated on his wife, and wants to keep his church...and his paycheck.
2. "Ye Which Are Spiritual, Restore Such An One" (Galatians 6:1) This verse speaks about restoring a brother in Christ back to fellowship because he was overtaken in a "fault", not a felony. I have seen this verse used to justify the restoration of a pedophile back into ministry. A pedo belongs in a prison cell, not a pulpit. Anyone who would use this verse to justify putting a perv back in a pulpit doesn't know God or his Bible.
3. "David Sinned With Bathsheba" (2 Samuel 11) David was an Old Testament King of Israel, not a New Testament Bishop. He ran a nation, not a church. There were many heathen men who were kings of Israel, but the church is to be ruled by a blameless, sober, holy, and temperate man. (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1). If a man commits adultery, he is disqualified from the New Testament office of a bishop.
I hate that this even needs to be said, but there are men who have adopted a pragmatic view of ministry where they think "more men preaching = more ministry being done = more people being saved", when that is not the case. I'm afraid they have let loose upon the church a mob of unqualified men who have done much more harm than they have done good. People have been hurt. Lives have been destroyed. Churches have been soured. The testimony of Christ has been damaged by these men.
It's time for these men to sit down forever. We can restore you back to fellowship, but never back to leadership. You are disqualified. Even the Baptist ones in Florida.

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