Thursday, November 7, 2019

Harry Emerson Fosdick and The Worldly Independent Baptist's Calls For "Unity"

Harry Emerson Fosdick preached a controversial message in 1922 called, "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?" In this sermon, he appealed to the Presbyterian denomination that we should set aside our doctrinal differences for the sake of world evangelism. The problem was that those "doctrinal differences" were things like the virgin birth of Christ, the second coming of Christ, and the inspiration of Scripture. Today, men that call themselves "Independent Baptists" are making eerily similar appeals...

Although the names and issues are different, the same cycle is happening again. There is another generation of Liberal Baptist Preachers that are saying that we need to set aside our differences on Contemporary Christian Rock/Rap Worship, English Bible Versions, and Ecclesiastical Separation to reach this world for Christ.

What many have failed to see is that these "appeals" are nothing more than veiled attacks on the character of the Holy Spirit (Contemporary Christian Rock/Rap Worship), the doctrine of the Preservation of Scripture (KJV a secondary issue), and the Doctrinal Purity of the Local Church (Ecclesiastical Separation).

I cannot judge the motives of those making these appeals, but I am fully capable of discerning the direction that this will take churches. This is nothing more than a repetition of the same mistakes that other denominations have made in the past, and it cost them everything. Many that went this direction ended up losing their children and grandchildren to theological liberalism and modernism which made them infidels.

I have been teaching my children the importance of standing for what is right. I have made them memorize this saying, "I will stand for what's right, even if I have to stand alone." I will stand as a Fundamental Baptist, KJV only, Ecclesiastically Separate from Heretics, and what is commonly referred to as "Traditional" worship...even if I have to stand alone.

As a Missionary, I have a passion to see this world come to Christ, but I am not willing to "redefine" Christ by compromising Bible doctrine. These appeals for unity at the expense of truth are folly.

Romans 1 speaks of those who "changed the truth of God into a lie." I fear that there are many behind pulpits that are doing that very thing. I will just tell the truth, and let God do the rest.

I desire unity and I desire world evangelism, but not at the expense of truth. If I have to believe something about God that I know not to be true to fellowship with you, then I simply cannot. I don't have a bad spirit, and I have no ill will, but I must be true to what I know to be true. So help me God...

Just a few thoughts from some guy that got saved when he was 18, and has a Bible on his desk...


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on many issues that are clear in Scripture. However, having been a student and teacher of the Holy Bible for many years, I cannot determine from Scripture why the KJV is any more spectacular than other modern day English translations of the Gospel. Doing so is modern day legalism and further confuses the Gospel to the lost world. I am certain the Apostle Paul never thought man's interpretation of his Greek would create numerous "so called" Christian denominations as a result of secondary Biblical factions.
