Thursday, November 15, 2018

If They Only Knew the Gift of God...

If They Only Knew the Gift of God...

Spencer Smith

"If thou knewest the gift of God..." - John 4:10

Man is in sin, no hope within
If they only knew the gift of God.
Violence, death, until their last breath, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Liquor, vice, no hope of Paradise,
If they only knew the gift of God.
Drugs, pain, nothing to gain, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Hurt, snares, and nobody cares, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Depression and dope, having no hope, 
If they only knew the gift of God.

There's a church, a steeple, filled with God's people, 
they know of the gift of God!
But their backslid and cold, the story's gotten old, 
they lost the wonder of the gift of God.

I need a lift, to stir up the gift, 
and stir up the gift of God.
I'm sick of routine, no more a machine, 
I'll stir up my gift of God. 
The world has not heard, because I am unstirred, 
I'll stir up the gift of God.
The world will not receive, the Spirit I have grieved, 
I'll stir up the gift of God. 
I'll dust off God's book, read til my soul is shook, 
and stir up the gift of God.
I'll give myself to prayer, reenlist in this warfare, 
and stir up the gift of God.

I'll pass out some tracts, get some new contacts, 
and share the gift of God. 
It's been a while since I brought one down the aisle,
I'll share the gift of God.
Lord, here's my choice, I'll give you my voice, 
I'll share the gift of God. 
The hour is late, no cost is too great, 
to share the gift of God. 
I'll raise my voice and preach, there is a world that we must reach, 
for they know not the gift of God. 

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