Thursday, November 15, 2018

If They Only Knew the Gift of God...

If They Only Knew the Gift of God...

Spencer Smith

"If thou knewest the gift of God..." - John 4:10

Man is in sin, no hope within
If they only knew the gift of God.
Violence, death, until their last breath, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Liquor, vice, no hope of Paradise,
If they only knew the gift of God.
Drugs, pain, nothing to gain, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Hurt, snares, and nobody cares, 
If they only knew the gift of God.
Depression and dope, having no hope, 
If they only knew the gift of God.

There's a church, a steeple, filled with God's people, 
they know of the gift of God!
But their backslid and cold, the story's gotten old, 
they lost the wonder of the gift of God.

I need a lift, to stir up the gift, 
and stir up the gift of God.
I'm sick of routine, no more a machine, 
I'll stir up my gift of God. 
The world has not heard, because I am unstirred, 
I'll stir up the gift of God.
The world will not receive, the Spirit I have grieved, 
I'll stir up the gift of God. 
I'll dust off God's book, read til my soul is shook, 
and stir up the gift of God.
I'll give myself to prayer, reenlist in this warfare, 
and stir up the gift of God.

I'll pass out some tracts, get some new contacts, 
and share the gift of God. 
It's been a while since I brought one down the aisle,
I'll share the gift of God.
Lord, here's my choice, I'll give you my voice, 
I'll share the gift of God. 
The hour is late, no cost is too great, 
to share the gift of God. 
I'll raise my voice and preach, there is a world that we must reach, 
for they know not the gift of God. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Glorification of the Un-Educated Preacher

When I was first saved, I heard several men preach that often referenced the fact that they had little education. I was not troubled at all that they did not attend prestigious universities or had vast academic accomplishments. The thing that intrigued me about these men was not their LACK OF EDUCATION, but the fact that they GLORIED IN THEIR LACK OF EDUCATION.

I actually heard one man jokingly say "I'm ignorant and I plan on getting ignorant-er." The congregation laughed and so did I. I have also heard many men say that "you can have so many degrees on the wall that they call you a thermometer and still be frozen!" I soon discovered that some churches felt it was shameful for a preacher to be educated. I heard one man explain that there were only two types of preachers: educated and God called.

As I began to grow in the Lord, and read my bible, I began to notice several instances where learning was encouraged, ESPECIALLY FOR THE NEW TESTAMENT PREACHER.

"Till I come, give attendance to READING, to exhortation, to doctrine."1 Timothy 4:13

"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;" - 1 Timothy 3:2

The word "apt" simple means "qualified" or "able". If a preacher is not able to teach, then he is not going to be effective in ministry. The only way a man can be apt to teach is if he has LEARNED something. If a preacher is not informed enough about doctrine and contemporary theological issues, then how can he influence a generation to avoid apostasy and error? 

Certainly there have been many preachers that were mightlity used of God that had little to no education, but these men are often the exception and not the rule.

Just to clarify my thoughts, let me explain myself further:

What I am NOT saying:

1. That the power of the Holy Spirit is not vital for effective ministry. 

Nothing will be done in this church age without the power of the Holy Spirit. Nothing.

2. That every preacher must be educated to be used by God. 

Some men never had the opportunity to be educated through a bible college and they are in no way at a disadvantage.

What I AM saying:

The New Testament preacher has a responsibility to be knowledgeable in certain areas if he desires to be effective. Some men have placed a stigma upon education and reading that is troubling. To glory in a lack of education, knowledge, or understanding is neither virtuous, admirable, or biblical.

Let me remind you that several of our fundamental forefathers were educated and highly intelligent men. Lester Roloff, Harold Sightler, Jack Hyles, and John R. Rice were all educated.

Let me give you a few points to consider:

1. Preachers Should Be Educated In Word And Doctrine.

If a man wants to go into the medical field today, it is required that he go through at least 8 years of college, then 3-7 years of residency before he is eligible for medical licensing. The medical field makes sure that a prospective doctor demonstrates a thorough understanding of medicine before he is approved for private practice.

To give a medical license to a man that has only a nominal understanding of medicine is dangerous and criminal. To give a pulpit to a man that wilfully refuses to learn bible doctrine is even more dangerous and criminal. As a medical doctor takes upon himself the sacred responsibility of his patient's health, so a preacher takes upon himself the sacred responsibility of his people's souls. Neither responsibility should be taken up by men that are willfully ignorant of their field.

2. Preachers Should Be Informed About Modern Issues.

These last days will be marked by a rise of false teachers and false doctrines. It is imperative that preachers of the last days keep themselves informed. There is no virtue in ignorance about modern issues of our day.

Churches today are being infiltrated by people like Rick Warren, Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Joyce Myers, Carl Lentz, Bill Johnson, Mark Driscoll, and others. (If you read this list and were unfamiliar with these names, then you need to bring yourself up to speed).

There are also many young Independent Baptist Pastors today that are going emergent, and I fear many of them were trained by men who were willfully ignorant of modern issues.

There are also many false teachers online that are claiming to be Independent Fundamental Baptists. Steven Anderson is one that has caught many preachers of our day off guard. Many men, myself included, had to dust off some old books and brush up on some unfamiliar areas of theology to combat his heresy.

Just as a Doctor has to keep himself informed about new diseases and medical developments, a preacher should keep himself informed about the new heresies that develop in our world.

3. Preachers Should Read Other Preachers. 

Spurgeon's famous quote: "He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains, proves that he has no brains of his own." could not be more needed than it is today. Preachers should read preachers. 

In 2 Timothy 4:13, Paul asked for someone to bring him a cloak (body), parchments (spirit), and books (soul). I am fairly certain that those books were not bible commentaries, but this shows that even the great Apostle read other men's works. He borrowed other men's brains.

Spurgeon said about this passage, "He is inspired, yet he wants books. He has been preaching at least thirty years, yet he wants books. He’s seen the Lord, yet he wants books. He’s had a wider experience than most men, yet he wants books. He’s been caught up to heaven and has heard things that are unlawful to utter, yet he wants books. He’s written a major part of the New Testament, yet he wants books."

Sadly, many men stopped reading when they got out of school.

4. Preachers Should Be Writers. 

He who will be silent will be forgotten.

Today we know names like John Phillips, J. Sidlow Baxter, Dwight Pentecost, Pink, Ironside, Larkin, and Rice, not because of their sermons, but because they WROTE A BOOK!

Through my years of travelling I have been able to meet some incredible men of God. I personally believe that some of the greatest men of God that have ever lived are living right now. I sit in awe at the wisdom that God has given these men, and I have encouraged many of them to write. Sadly, most of them refuse by saying, "nobody would read my book", or "I don't want to be criticized", or "I don't have time for that". I'm always sad to hear these responses because I know that they could be a great help to so many, but they just don't see it.

It common that I hear a discussion in Fundamental Baptist conferences about young preachers going emergent, liberal, and modernistic. There is much lamenting and anger about their change in direction, but little discussion about WHY. Could it be that many young preachers are going from a Fundamental position to an Evangelical position because the vast majority of people writing books on theology and ministry are Evangelicals? Where are the Fundamentalist writers?

Many Christians today are familiar with the name A.W Tozer. Do you know that A.W. Tozer is still ministering to God's people today even though he is in Heaven? His sermons are still reaping spiritual dividends and influencing generations of young preachers BECAUSE HE WROTE BOOKS. A book can be a great legacy for your family, and another avenue that can bring rewards at the judgement seat long after you have passed on.

Write a book preacher. He who will be silent will be forgotten.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Why Some Weep for Missions....and Others Don't....

When I was a sophomore in high school, I joined the football team. I would practice with the team, but because I was much smaller than almost everyone else, I did not play on Friday night. 

I remember dressing for the games and watching from the sidelines. I saw the starters get hit, bleed, and fight the entire season. When they won they shouted, when they lost they wept. 

I remember our team losing a very close game that should have been an easy victory. I sat on the bus with the starting lineup and they we all weeping, but I wasn't. They were emotional wrecks, but I was telling jokes with another backup player.

It was then that I noticed something about myself: I wasn't as concerned with the loss as the starters because I didn't have anything invested in this game. Every person on that bus that had a dirty uniform was crying. Every person with a clean uniform was laughing. 

The same may be true today about foreign missions in the local church. Those who are willing to put themselves on the field and invest themselves in this cause may have a greater passion than those who don't. 

I'm writing this having come fresh off the mission field and having seen over 4,000 saved in 2 weeks. I have skin in this game. I've sacrificed time, money, some health, and much comfort to see and do what I've done. My burden for Kenya and Uganda is greater than it's ever been! 

I'm afraid that many Christians have a burden for missions, but not a significant one. Missions is an afterthought because most people in the pews have little to nothing invested in reaching a foreign people with the gospel. Many see the slide presentations, hear the missionaries talk of their fields, but they personally have little/nothing invested in the mission fields of the world! 

I want to admonish every Christian that would read this: get off the sidelines and get in this game! Quit watching the missionaries do missions and come do some missions yourself! 

Every American Christian should leave America at least once in their life! Coming to the mission field will enlarge your burden for people because it makes it personal. No longer are these just pictures on a screen or a prayer letter, these are REAL PEOPLE, WITH REAL SOULS, THAT ARE REALLY DYING AND GOING TO A REAL HELL!

Come see the work in Kenya. Come feel the need. Come see the multitudes. It will change you forever!

Oswald J Smith said that one of the greatest investments a church could make in it's pastor is to send him away to a foreign mission field. I agree 100%. 

Send your pastor to Kenya to see what God is doing! 

If you want to come see the works in Kenya yourself, contact me. I'd love to help. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Has the Lord Answered the Prayer for Laborers...and We Missed It?

Recently, I have seen many people sharing a great missionary’s post about the need for laborers on the mission fields of the world. I agree 100% with what this great Missionary is saying. There is so much work to do! I doubt many people have been able to see the enormous need for missions in Africa and other parts of the world like I have; and I agree that there are so few Fundamental Baptist College Graduates that are going into missions today. 

The Lord spoke in Matthew 9:37-38, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

I’m sure that many Christians have prayed this way for years, but some are seeming to imply that either the Lord isn’t answering this prayer or Christians aren’t praying enough for laborers.

So the question remains: Where are these laborers that we have been praying for? 

Could it be that the Lord is actually answering this prayer and has been for many years now? Could it be that we have asked the Lord to raise up laborers to reach the lost with the gospel, but we don’t fully see it?  Could it be that He actually has raised up an army of laborers for His harvest, but we missed it? Could it be that the Lord has answered the prayers of His people, but He did it in a way that we didn’t expect? Could it be that the Lord has answered this prayer by raising up the national pastor? 

Where did the Lord say the laborers had to be American? 

Maybe the Lord has answered an entire generation of Christian’s prayers... 

Maybe the answer to this prayer is pictured below...

Friday, January 12, 2018

Missions Giving is the Deal of a Lifetime

Missions Giving is the Deal of a Lifetime

I recently read the story of how Manhattan Island, the current location of New York City, was purchased. The original myth was that a Dutch settler named Peter Minuit purchased the island for $24 worth of trinkets. After further research it was discovered that these settlers actually purchased the land for "60 guilders," which is equivalent to $950-$1,000 in today's money. 

Today Manhattan is worth about $1,000 a square foot. Many have declared that this was the greatest real estate deal ever made! They got so much for giving so little. 

The same could be said about giving to Missions. By giving our money we are supporting Missionaries to go to places across the world and preach the gospel. Whenever the gospel is preached souls are converted. To put it simply: We can exchange our money to see souls saved.

Jesus spoke about the worth of a human soul in Mark 8:36-37

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
These verses seem to indicate that a single human soul is worth more than all the Manhattans in the world combined. 
Recently a Church in Georgia donated $2,500 to the 2017 IBOM Kenya Youth Camp in Western Kenya. The camp was a great success that resulted in 1881 souls saved. To put it simply: They paid $1.34 for each soul converted. 
Minuit may have conducted the greatest real estate deal of all time, but it wasn't THE greatest deal of all time. That deal belongs to people who give through their local church to missions. 
Are you able to see the value of giving for souls?