Sunday, September 9, 2018

Why Some Weep for Missions....and Others Don't....

When I was a sophomore in high school, I joined the football team. I would practice with the team, but because I was much smaller than almost everyone else, I did not play on Friday night. 

I remember dressing for the games and watching from the sidelines. I saw the starters get hit, bleed, and fight the entire season. When they won they shouted, when they lost they wept. 

I remember our team losing a very close game that should have been an easy victory. I sat on the bus with the starting lineup and they we all weeping, but I wasn't. They were emotional wrecks, but I was telling jokes with another backup player.

It was then that I noticed something about myself: I wasn't as concerned with the loss as the starters because I didn't have anything invested in this game. Every person on that bus that had a dirty uniform was crying. Every person with a clean uniform was laughing. 

The same may be true today about foreign missions in the local church. Those who are willing to put themselves on the field and invest themselves in this cause may have a greater passion than those who don't. 

I'm writing this having come fresh off the mission field and having seen over 4,000 saved in 2 weeks. I have skin in this game. I've sacrificed time, money, some health, and much comfort to see and do what I've done. My burden for Kenya and Uganda is greater than it's ever been! 

I'm afraid that many Christians have a burden for missions, but not a significant one. Missions is an afterthought because most people in the pews have little to nothing invested in reaching a foreign people with the gospel. Many see the slide presentations, hear the missionaries talk of their fields, but they personally have little/nothing invested in the mission fields of the world! 

I want to admonish every Christian that would read this: get off the sidelines and get in this game! Quit watching the missionaries do missions and come do some missions yourself! 

Every American Christian should leave America at least once in their life! Coming to the mission field will enlarge your burden for people because it makes it personal. No longer are these just pictures on a screen or a prayer letter, these are REAL PEOPLE, WITH REAL SOULS, THAT ARE REALLY DYING AND GOING TO A REAL HELL!

Come see the work in Kenya. Come feel the need. Come see the multitudes. It will change you forever!

Oswald J Smith said that one of the greatest investments a church could make in it's pastor is to send him away to a foreign mission field. I agree 100%. 

Send your pastor to Kenya to see what God is doing! 

If you want to come see the works in Kenya yourself, contact me. I'd love to help.