Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Has the Lord Answered the Prayer for Laborers...and We Missed It?

Recently, I have seen many people sharing a great missionary’s post about the need for laborers on the mission fields of the world. I agree 100% with what this great Missionary is saying. There is so much work to do! I doubt many people have been able to see the enormous need for missions in Africa and other parts of the world like I have; and I agree that there are so few Fundamental Baptist College Graduates that are going into missions today. 

The Lord spoke in Matthew 9:37-38, "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

I’m sure that many Christians have prayed this way for years, but some are seeming to imply that either the Lord isn’t answering this prayer or Christians aren’t praying enough for laborers.

So the question remains: Where are these laborers that we have been praying for? 

Could it be that the Lord is actually answering this prayer and has been for many years now? Could it be that we have asked the Lord to raise up laborers to reach the lost with the gospel, but we don’t fully see it?  Could it be that He actually has raised up an army of laborers for His harvest, but we missed it? Could it be that the Lord has answered the prayers of His people, but He did it in a way that we didn’t expect? Could it be that the Lord has answered this prayer by raising up the national pastor? 

Where did the Lord say the laborers had to be American? 

Maybe the Lord has answered an entire generation of Christian’s prayers... 

Maybe the answer to this prayer is pictured below...