Friday, January 12, 2018

Missions Giving is the Deal of a Lifetime

Missions Giving is the Deal of a Lifetime

I recently read the story of how Manhattan Island, the current location of New York City, was purchased. The original myth was that a Dutch settler named Peter Minuit purchased the island for $24 worth of trinkets. After further research it was discovered that these settlers actually purchased the land for "60 guilders," which is equivalent to $950-$1,000 in today's money. 

Today Manhattan is worth about $1,000 a square foot. Many have declared that this was the greatest real estate deal ever made! They got so much for giving so little. 

The same could be said about giving to Missions. By giving our money we are supporting Missionaries to go to places across the world and preach the gospel. Whenever the gospel is preached souls are converted. To put it simply: We can exchange our money to see souls saved.

Jesus spoke about the worth of a human soul in Mark 8:36-37

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
These verses seem to indicate that a single human soul is worth more than all the Manhattans in the world combined. 
Recently a Church in Georgia donated $2,500 to the 2017 IBOM Kenya Youth Camp in Western Kenya. The camp was a great success that resulted in 1881 souls saved. To put it simply: They paid $1.34 for each soul converted. 
Minuit may have conducted the greatest real estate deal of all time, but it wasn't THE greatest deal of all time. That deal belongs to people who give through their local church to missions. 
Are you able to see the value of giving for souls?