Sunday, October 29, 2017

Reaching Children with the Gospel

Reaching Children with the Gospel
Recently, I have been burdened in my heart for children. The greatest mission field in America is the children.

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest "Vision For Missions" broadcast as we talk about "Reaching Children with the Gospel".


Monday, October 2, 2017

Misconceptions About The Independent Fundamental Baptists Caused By Social Media

Social media is something we all use.  If we were honest about it, then we would concede that we may use it a little too much. There are many positive sides to social media use: we can connect with family we rarely see, missionaries in foreign fields, old college friends, and people that we don't personally know but they post interesting and/or funny things. Unfortunately, there are many downsides to it as well. 

A major downside and danger of social media is that it can give a warped perspective of the big picture. Social media is capable of this because it can give a tiny, fringe minority of every faction of people just as loud a voice as as the majority. 

The same is being done with the Independent Fundamental Baptist people. Social media has skewed the perspective of what we actually are and what direction we are going. Let me give you three things I know to be true about Independent Fundamental Baptists that may not be accurately portrayed by social media. 

1. We are not all Lunatics. 

Every group of people in the world has it’s crazies. We are no different. The problem is that it seems that the craziest of us have the largest internet presence. As one comedian said about southern people, “Southern people are not dumb, we just can’t manage to keep the dumbest of us off the TV!” 

The truth is that if you were to search “Independent Fundamental Baptist” on Youtube, you would find very little that accurately portrays what Independent Fundamental Baptists actually are.

2. We are not all going Liberal

There is a lot of diversity in the Independent Fundamental Baptist world. There are many different methods of ministry, styles of preaching, and schools of thought but one thing isn’t true: There is not a mass exodus to the left! 

Sure, there are those who are going modernistic, emergent, and contemporary, and there always will be, but the problem is that those on the far left end of the spectrum have the largest social media presence. Many would misunderstand this and think that there are hoards of young Independent Fundamental Baptists that are going into modernism. This simply isn’t so! 

There is still a vast majority of Independent Fundamental Baptists that still hold to the King James Bible, Soul Winning, Standards, Conservative Music, and Missions. The only reason you forget about this majority is simply because they are mostly silent on social media. 

3. We Generally Get Along Well

Independent Fundamental Baptists disagree amongst themselves about many things, but they overall get along very well. Social media can sometimes portray that there is some giant war in the ranks, but that isn’t so. 

Sometimes we focus on the disagreements between two men and we forget about the other thousand that get along just fine. The problem is that social media causes so much attention to the disagreements of those two men, that we lose perspective of the big picture. 

Next week. Lord willing, I will go to the Nashville area to a meeting and I will hear several men preach that have a very broad range of beliefs. Some of those men even have sharp differences amongst themselves, but they will come and preach together anyways because Independent Fundamental Baptists generally get along very well. 

In conclusion, we must remember that social media is good for so many things, but it also has a downside. The Independent Fundamental Baptists are doing great and still advancing for the cause of Christ. Don’t let any social media platform make you think otherwise. 
