Monday, January 23, 2012

Look for My Blogs in the Future!!!

I have decided to put some of my sermons and experiences in a blog.  I am praying that the Lord will use me to stir you to do more for the Lord.

Looking forward to being a blessing to you.

Spencer Smith

Saturday, January 21, 2012

He That Warreth

2 Timothy 2:4

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 

Paul writes to a young preacher in the ministry and tells him that there is a war going on right now.  He also tells this young preacher that he has a chance to fight in this war. He also tells him: "If you are gonna fight in this war, you can't be tied up and entangled in things that have no eternal value."  

Lets notice a few thoughts:

1. The Conflict - "No man that warreth..."

The conflict that a Christian should be involved in is over the souls of men.  God is dispatching his army of believers to assault the strongholds of Satan across the globe.  If you a not actively reaching, reconciling, and restoring people to Jesus Christ then you are not in the fight.  You are at ease in Zion.  There is a great war going on and God wants to use you in this war. 

2. The Choice - "...entangleth himself with the affairs of this life..."

I have heard many people use the saying: "He is so Heavenly minded that he is no earthly good, " but I would suggest to you that the opposite can be true as well.  A person can be so earthly minded that they are no Heavenly good.  They are no Heavenly good because they are entangled in the affairs of this life.  

I recently preached to a group of teenagers and I gave them 3 things that are common entanglements for teens.  Here they are:

#1. Entertainment.  Many teens won't read their Bible or pray like they should because they are entangled with video games, movies, and T.V. shows.  I often wonder how much of my life has been wasted on entertainment.  

#2. Relationships. Many youth pastors have told me that they often lose their best teens when they get a boyfriend or girlfriend.  They their eyes off Christ and put their eyes on their "sweetheart".  I am not a fan of teenage dating. If given the chance, I will preach to teenagers that they should not be dating at all.  The cause of Christ has lost too many teens to entangling relationships.

#3. Jobs.  Many parents encourage their kids to work a job as a teenager, but most jobs that they can get will schedule them to work on Sunday.  Sunday is for Church, not for Church's Chicken.  Sunday is for Jesus, not for Jack in the Box.  Sunday is for worshiping the Son of God, not for working at Subway.  Our loyalty should be to Christ, not some minimum wage job.   Hayman!

If we are going to be involved in the war over the souls of men, then we must not entangle ourselves in the affairs of this life.  

3. The Consequence - "that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."

The consequence of doing these things is that you will please God.  I want to please the Lord with all of my heart.  There have been many times that I did not please God and I could sense a frown from Heaven, but I desire to please God.  I desire to hear "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant".  What a day that will be.

Are you entangled in the affairs of this life?  Are you warring for God?  Join God's Army of Soul Winners!  Please God with your life!  You won't regret it.